3 Social Media Marketing Trends That Will Create a Lot of Buzz in 2018
3 Social Media Marketing Trends That Will Create a Lot of Buzz in 2018

Modern day digital marketing is changing dynamically owing to the trends in consumer behavior and preferences. Marketing for Millennials is not the trend anymore. Now it’s all about getting exposure to Generation Z or Gen Z. Companies and online businesses will now have to focus on young consumers. With social media marketing being an important strategy for customer engagement and brand visibility, it’s important to be up-to-date on the latest trends in the industry.

Social media marketing Dubai is all set to change, and it’s all because of these 3 hottest trends that will create a lot of buzz this year.

Demand for content creators

In the past, most businesses relied on content writers to create content for their social media accounts. The content can be promoted across social media platforms to reach more people. The trend still stays but with subtle differences.

Gen Z audiences prefer all kinds of content as long as they are relevant to them, and fits the nature of the social media they see the content on. So brands should take care in crafting content specifically for each social media platform, while ensuring that they are relevant to the target audience.

For instance, content for Facebook is different from content suited for Instagram. This is why there is a rising demand for content creators now – people with skills to create text, image, or video content in all forms that’s appealing and engaging to audiences.

Emphasis on video content

Even then and now, videos remain the most consumed form of content in the world. It isn’t a surprise that YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world. Marketers have already realized that videos present the easiest and most effective way to engage their target audience.

We will see more emphasis on video content this year. However, brands have to ensure that the video content aligns with the brand image and the business goal to connect with and engage users. Almost every reputed digital marketing solutions provider would recommend leveraging video content to engage target audience effectively.

Live content

One of the most recent ways to catch the eyes of followers and keep them engaged is live content. More brands now use the Facebook Live feature to unveil new products, or demonstrate their products/services to live audiences. They can even have real people (influencers) go live while using their products. It catches the eyes of even casual users who’ll most likely check out what’s going on, in addition to being an easy way to get people interested in what the brand has to offer.


Social media marketing is not all about providing followers with access to content. It’s about building relationships and brand credibility. This is also one of the reasons why social media marketing services are offered along with SEO services by many leading SEO companies in Dubai.

The content created and published through social media platforms should be appealing to users but also relevant to them, addressing their concerns and giving them more insights on what a brand does and how they do it. It’s a means to connect better with people, thus building a relationship. There’s no better way to do this than with well-crafted content. These 3 trends further emphasizes the importance of content in today’s world.