3 SEO Myths to Leave Behind in 2016
3 SEO Myths to Leave Behind in 2016

Figuring out SEO completely is itself a myth as search engine algorithms keep changing. This is evident from the shifts in SEO tactics practiced by various firms. SEO in Dubai has given more significance to social media and mobile optimization.

To effectively utilize search engine optimization, you need to catch up on the latest trends and guidelines which might be difficult if you are a working professional. SEO professionals can be of help in such scenarios. However, you have to make sure they aren’t using outdated SEO tactics.

Here are 3 SEO myths that won't be benefit your business in 2016.

1. More inbound links, more traffic

Incoming links to your website will never always have a positive impact. As a matter of fact, search engine guidelines advise against spamming referral links. Great content with useful information and good visual representations should be enough to generate organic links as users will share and re-share them more.

If your content is shared by reputed websites and thought leaders in their pages, it will increase your site’s reputation in search engines. On the other hand, illegitimate website traffic can be easily identified by search engines now, and can get you penalized.

2. More Pages in Website, Higher the Rank

This is a common SEO strategy practiced by many businesses. It’s a myth. A reliable SEO company would advise you to focus on content quality and keyword optimization instead of adding more pages to your website. The idea is to make the website bigger with more pages, and hope that it will get indexed more often. 

Search engines do not index all pages on a website now. Google may even remove irrelevant pages from existing index, if they deem it unnecessary so as to prevent crawlers from checking them out. Besides, by focusing on adding more pages to the website, you are actually wasting valuable time you can use to focus on your content strategy. 

Everything you post in your website should provide quality content to the target audience.

3. Repeat Keywords in a Post (Keyword Stuffing)

Identifying the right keywords is one of the first steps to proper search engine optimization. Incorporating the keywords in the content is what follows. Many businesses usually misunderstand the concept and try to repeat the same keyword too many times in the content. Inaccurate, misleading keywords will now be identified by Google. 

Rather than stuffing keywords in the content, develop the content strategically to link the keywords. Make sure not to overuse the keywords as it can have a negative effect on the readers. Develop informative articles for the target audience, and not to get the search engine’s attention. 

A reliable SEO company will be aware of these myths, and can devise an SEO strategy that can effectively leverage the potential of search engine optimization. But just to be sure, discuss outdated trends with your SEO partner.