What is SEO and How it Improves your Website’s Visibility in Google
What is SEO and How it Improves your Website’s Visibility in Google

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is basically a strategic process of improving your website’s position in search engine result pages (SERP) – a set of ‘organic’ search results from search engines like Google, Yahoo etc. It goes by the general idea that a user searching for something will only check out the top 3-4 links in search results.

So the goal is to get your website to appear in page 1 of search results, and ideally at the top of the list, provided you properly execute SEO. However, this mostly depends on the market your business operates in. If you are providing niche services in a specific geographical region, you have a bigger chance of making it to page 1 in a comparatively shorter time.

If your business is operating in, say Dubai, you can either avail SEO Services in Dubai or hire an in-house SEO expert. In both cases, you have to keep in mind that SEO is a long term deal.

How to Improve Visibility with SEO

Search engines, like Google for instance, uses web crawlers – software programs designed to analyze a website for quality content, keywords etc. The search engine then estimates the quality and relevance of your website based on the data from the crawlers. You can improve the visibility of your website by using fresh contents with proper usage of relevant keywords among various other techniques so that crawlers deem it good.

Here are a few basic principles you can follow for effective search engine optimization.

Contents with keywords – For this you need to know how exactly your target audience search for the services you offer. This will help you narrow down a few keywords they commonly use. Use these keywords in good quality contents and post them in your website. Design an appealing presentation for this contents in your website. 

You can use tools like Google Adwords to identify keywords. The keywords should also be included in your page’s metadata. This metadata provides information to web crawlers. But keep in mind not to overuse the keywords in contents as this is considered a black hat SEO technique.

Linking – Search engines verify the genuineness of your website’s quality by analyzing inbound and outbound links to your site. It works like this – if a reputed site provides a link to your website, it improves your ranking as well (works much like a testimonial). 

You can’t actually control inbound links. But you can provide links to your website through your contents in social media networks. There will be professional bodies or free open directories associated with your market. With good inbound and outbound links, you can get listed in them. 

You can also interlink pages in your website through quick links in page footers. However, if there are too many links, web crawlers will be spending more time analyzing your site (which is not recommended). You have to make it easier for the crawlers. 

Apart from the aforementioned principles to follow, you have to regularly update your contents in order to keep them fresh either by making modifications in the design or the content or by adding/removing new pages and links. Make sure you are updated on the latest SEO and internet marketing trends, post blogs occasionally and share your content (with links or references) in social media, and be patient. Proper execution of SEO strategies can benefit your business in the long run.